Client Results

Before and after working with us



“I’m on SHRED, done with phase 1, and I’ve moved from 92 – 87kg already. I’m also able to cover 5k steps in less than an hour which was a huge goal for me.”

“Hey Mitchelle. I’m at week 3 of sculpt. I’ve lost 5kgs. I’m so happy, thank you!”

“On SCULPT, remember the creaking knees in Week 1, now they’re like a well-oiled machine, squats are now my fave.”

“I’m 10 kg down and I’ve managed to stabilize my hypertension..!! I can’t thank you enough, shred has literally saved my health.”

“On BUILD, I’ve gotten to my ideal weight which was 57.. now I’m pushing it a bit more to 60. As you can see I added 4.1 kgs btw, no junk food.”

“Phase 1 done. And the most remarkable change my knees. I’ve had bad knees for a couple of years. Now I can squat, lunge, duck walk..deep squats. And I absolutely love jump rope on LISS days!!!”

“Giving an update on the program, I’m at 67kgs, my waist is at 28, hips are at
40. Lost a total of 8kgs and 5 inches off my waist !!! Looking forward to starting SCULPT soon.”

“I followed you a while back when Ronoh recommended you and I bought your nutrition guide as well as a work out plan (Begin), tell me why I weighed myself and I am 8.7kgs lighter..thank you”

“On the custom meal plan, I’m at 99.75kg from 105.5 kg I’m so excited that everything is going well! I managed not to overeat last weekend.”

“I started Sculpt at 57kg body weight, 31% body fat, and wallah today I’m at 60kg body weight, 26.5% body fat!!! Gains gains gains! I’m delighted!”

“My relationship with food has become so much better! I really used to stress eat but now I have more control over how I eat and I’m more mindful”

“On SHRED, I started at 75kgs on the first photo and now I’m at 67kgs”

“My biggest highlight has been getting weaned off 2 drugs that I have been using for 3 years successfully (I have Spondylitis, which is a type of arthritis). Losing weight and getting more fit has really helped me manage the condition and I am so grateful”